Heart-to-Heart Social Conversation

In order to create awareness about strokes in women, SMDI held a “Heart to Heart” social to mark National Go Red for Women Day on February 5th. Staff watched videos about stroke from the American Stroke Association and American Heart Association and discussed the F.A.S.T. symptoms identification.

F = Face drooping | A = Arm weakness | S = Speech difficulty | T = Time to call 911

Attendees also discussed general health and nutrition and heart-healthy recipes.

“It was an insightful day when I learned about stroke’s signs and how to respond to a stroke situation. Also I learned about how to prevent bigger problems related to high blood pressure by having a screening procedure and a healthy lifestyle with a diet and exercise routine,” said Shirley McCoy, SMDI employee.

SMDI supports the American Heart Association and its goals with periodical awareness activities including the annual Heart Walk and Wellness Days when employees are encouraged to perform physical activities. SMDI also sends emails to staff about heart-related diseases and how to prevent them.

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